Flascom management ensures that adequate resources and arrangements are in place to ensure an adequate level of response during foreseeable emergency situations.
Flascom shall review the operations under his control and ensure he assesses the risks involved. He will ensure that emergency arrangements are in place to cover the risks and foreseeable emergency situations.
Flascom shall conduct regular drills and/or exercises to test the validity of the systems or procedures in place.
Recovery measures shall be detailed together with the personnel responsible for implementing them.
Details of nominated emergency response personnel, and the communication arrangements in place, shall be prominently displayed for the information of all personnel. Key locations such as radio rooms shall have dedicated lists showing emergency contact numbers.
Personnel assigned key emergency responsibilities shall be trained.
Emergency arrangements shall be advised to all personnel.
This Policy statement also applies to all Subcontractors working for Flascom.
This policy shall be communicated to all employees, stakeholders, and publicly displayed.